
Nice to meet you

I'm Ryan Sweeney, a passionate coder from Pennsylvania. Growing up I played plenty of videogames which heavily isnpired me to code. Enrolling in Multimedia Digital Design & programming pushed that interest even further. Currently I am learn all sorts of code and getting better every single day.

graphic of man coding
person gaming

My dreams

One of my other dreams is to be a video game developer. I've played games ever since I was a little kid and have always wanted to code games. I think it's a shared interest with a lot of people and they can really bring people together.

Nice to meet you

I'm Ryan Sweeney, a passionate coder from Pennsylvania. Growing up I played plenty of videogames which heavily isnpired me to code. Enrolling in Multimedia Digital Design & programming pushed that interest even further. Currently I am learn all sorts of code and getting better every single day.

My dreams

One of my other dreams is to be a video game developer. I've played games ever since I was a little kid and have always wanted to code games. I think it's a shared interest with a lot of people and they can really bring people together.